57 Todman Ave Kensington NSW 2033 Australia
Ph: (02) 8957 3639

Wednesday, 14 December 2011

::: aztec aspiration ✝

We L.O.V.E eclectic, aztec inspired homes.

NB: to fully achieve this look you will need to have a little bit of hoarder in you!

::: Collect bits and bobs from flea markets :::
overload on candles and decorative cross collections
raid your granny's house for some old pigeon hole shelves
add a rustic, wrought iron mirror
team it all up with some recycled wooden furniture
and throw in a few crystal rock clusters...

Necessities for this look?
A sun-bleached animal skull...

If you're an animal lover or just don't like the
thought of animal skulls,
are a great substitute!


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